The Ladies Madrigal Singers was formed in 1991 as an a capella women’s group, under the very excellent direction of Alison Nixon and eventually Eleanor Benson. Over time this marvellous group of women morphed into a group of approximately eighteen women, singing accompanied music, with wonderful accompanists as Sheilagh Sparks and Lois Belluk, under the direction of Lynn Williams. The Ladies Madrigal Singers, or, affectionately known as The Madz by the ladies, gets together each Wednesday morning at Collins hall to rehearse their upcoming concert. After each rehearsal we retire to Cocoa West Chocolatier for coffee and yacking! (Yes, chocolate figures quite prominently in our after rehearsal time!)
We sing songs ranging from sacred and secular to lighter pieces, sometimes in different languages, sometimes very comical. We have also performed several oratorios with a former men’s singing group called The Artisan Squires. Faure’s Requiem, Pergolesi's Stabat Mater and Dubois' Seven Last Words have figured prominently in our repertoire.
The Ladies Madrigal Singers are an “invite only” group, so one only needs to contact me to request an audition, or at least begin the process. You will need to be able to read music, or learn fast, and work on said music weekly. I am in need of First and Second Sopranos, as well as Altos, so if you are one and wish to maybe take part, then please call!!!
The audience might notice at our concerts a “bird” sitting atop our piano, her name is “Pauline La Gull” and she is our mascot. Ms. Gull has several outfits, made by the ladies, and enjoys taking up residence for a full year at each of our homes, only to appear at concert time.
When you have a moment, please watch these wonderful short videos, below, published by JW Pepper! They feature Eric Whitacre and John Rutter, who each speak so articulately about the benefits of choral singing: